Bamboo HR's Engagement Boosting Strategy
Haven’t thought about incorporating a hashtag printer at your next conference? Think again. Encourage attendee engagement while promoting your conference on social media through user generated content via hashtag printing.

Here's how they did it:
- Attendees post their conference photos to the designated event hashtag to receive a free custom branded print out of their photo, while you reap the benefits of free conference promotion to everyone in their circles.
- Leading hashtag printer, Photoboxx was a natural addition to human resource software company Bamboo HR's User Summit last spring. Photoboxx added a unique attraction that encouraged attendees to engage throughout the weekend.
- Attendees posted to Instagram and Twitter with coworkers and friends throughout the weekend using the event hashtag #bhrsummit18 and #beexceptional. BambooHR curated the experience by provided a fun photo backdrop with Bamboo HR branded props for attendees pose with.
Hashtag Printing at Bamboo HR's Conference Was a No Brainer
The conference took place on the beautiful Snowbird Ski Resort in the Little Cotton Canyon of Snowbird Utah. The three-day event included keynote speakers, HR industry education, networking, individualized training and entertainment. The conference preformed incredibly well on social media. Analytics reveal that the hashtags: #bhrsummit18 and #beexceptional grew exponentially in engagement, reach, impressions and posts on Instagram and Twitter. The post event analytics show that the long weekend resulted in close to 700 posts to Instagram and Twitter, over 243 thousand impressions, and 900 thousand people reached.
Photoboxx is the ideal tool to enhance your conference by maximizing engagement and encouraging user generated social media content that can be used to promote future conferences, summits, workshops and retreats. The #Bhrsummit18 hashtag is now fully curated by attendees' highlights from the weekend and can be easily referenced at any time by searching the hashtag on Instagram or Twitter. Photoboxx is a natural addition to any conference or retreat that will promote attendee engagement during the event, as well as leave a lasting impression on social media for years to come.